My Favorite Home Improvement YouTube Channels

favorite home improvement YouTube channels

Photo by Christian Wiediger on Unsplash

YouTube is a fantastic resource for beginner DIYers.

If you’re like me, the hardest part of beginning a new project is simply knowing where to start. But it’s okay if you don’t know where to begin because you’re a beginner. You’re not supposed to know how to hang drywall, replace a faucet, or frame a new wall. That’s where YouTube comes in…

The best home improvement YouTube channels for beginners include:

  • 731 Woodworks

  • April Wilkerson

  • Chris Salomone

  • DIY Creators

  • Family Handyman

  • Fix This Build That

  • HomeMadeModern

  • Modern Builds

  • Mr. Build It

  • Shara Woodshop Diaries

Let’s dive in and take a closer look at each!

731 Woodworks

The great thing about 731 Woodworks is that the content is so varied. Just get a load of some of these topics:

This channel is geared towards woodworkers, but many videos apply to home improvement and general DIY. You’ll find how-to videos, tool reviews, advice for improving the quality of your projects, and much more.

Subscribe to this channel if you want simple, straightforward advice and plenty of encouragement as a beginner.

April Wilkerson

April Wilkerson is the poster child of DIY. She has no professional training. Instead, she taught herself how to do everything you see on her channel. In fact, she got her start in DIYing because she couldn’t afford the things she wanted for her home - so she learned to build them instead. You can too!

Over the years, April has amassed a huge following with her home improvement YouTube videos. Her videos are detailed, fun to watch, and inspiring. Check out these topics:

Subscribe to this channel if you want a wide variety of topics geared towards beginners.

Chris Salomone

What drew me to Chris’ channel is how meticulously he describes what he’s doing. It’s like watching a masterclass in building stuff. Speaking of which, here’s some videos to explore if you need to kick your creative juices into gear:

Subscribe to this channel if you want superb instruction, free plans for projects, and if you want to see some of the most impressive builds on YouTube.

DIY Creators

Chris from DIY Creators does a great job of taking you along for the ride. You’ll see his triumphs. You’ll see his mistakes, too! He's got a down-to-earth personality that makes watching and learning from him easy.

Here’s a few favorite home improvement YouTube videos from his channel:

Subscribe to this channel if you fancy instruction on woodworking, tools, home decor, and other easy beginner DIY projects.

Family Handyman

Full disclosure - Family Handyman doesn’t have the highest production value videos of the channels on this list. However, this channel is full of fantastic tips for beginners taking on all sorts of home improvement projects. I subscribe to one physical magazine, and Family Handyman is it. What I like about their magazine is what I like about their YouTube channel - simple, straightforward, and highly detailed tutorials.

These videos are excellent examples of what you can learn as a beginner DIYer:

Subscribe to this channel if you want a huge variety of quick home improvement tips from experts in the field.

Fix This Build That

There’s a reason why Fix This Build That has such a big following - you get great advice for DIY projects, woodworking, and more. The videos on this channel are detailed yet don’t drag on forever. Instead, you feel actively engaged in what you’re learning. It helps that Brad knows his stuff and is a great teacher!

Here’s a sampling of his home improvement YouTube videos:

Subscribe to this channel if you want to learn how to do everything from building furniture to organizing your shop to basic electrical.


The projects that Ben makes on this channel are pretty complex. However, as a beginner DIYer, there’s nothing wrong with setting your sights high! Besides, it never hurts to get some inspiration for future projects. Free or low-cost plans are often available, too, so once you develop the necessary skills, you can give one of these projects a shot:

Subscribe to this channel if you need a spark of creativity for your home projects.

Modern Builds

The mantra of Modern Builds is that anyone can complete DIY projects with “a little time and creativity.” And while some of the projects that Mike does on his channel seem more like something experts should do, he does a great job of demonstrating exactly what you need to do to be successful. Tiling? No problem! Building furniture? You can do it!

Check out these home improvement YouTube videos for some ideas for your next project:

Subscribe to this channel for DIY projects that will have you building, renovating, and creating all around your house.

Mr. Build It

Like most of the home improvement YouTube channels I like, this one is spearheaded by someone that’s completely self-taught.

But I think what sets Mr. Build It apart from many other channels is that he takes on so many different types of projects - and not small ones, either. He demos entire rooms, makes built-ins, does electrical, lays new floors…you name it.

Here’s some interesting videos to watch next time you want to take on a project:

Subscribe to this channel to see just how far you can go with DIY projects without any formal training.

Shara Woodshop Diaries

Shara Woodshop Diaries has great diversity of projects. You can learn how to make a bed or chairs, cabinets or shelves, and even decor items. As a former engineer, Shara is extremely technical and thorough in her process. But you benefit from that because you can learn a lot. This is one of the newest channels on this list, but it’s got some of the best projects, too!

Have a look at some of Shara’s most popular videos:

Subscribe to this channel if you want highly detailed instructions on how to build just about anything for your home.

Home Improvement YouTube FAQs:

How did you choose the best home improvement YouTube channels?

I watch YouTube a lot. Virtually all the videos I watch are on DIY projects. I chose the channels to feature based on which channels I watch most often. Not very scientific, is it?

Can I learn how to DIY from watching Youtube videos?

Yes, you can learn how to DIY by watching videos. Many of the creators on this list did the very same thing. As with anything, practice makes perfect. Though you might not have a ton of skill or confidence at the moment, the more you immerse yourself in DIY projects, the better you will become.

What are the benefits of learning on YouTube?

The primary benefit of learning how to DIY on YouTube is that it’s free. Not only that, but YouTube is an enormous resource, so you can learn how to do virtually anything you want - plumbing, heating, electrical, building furniture, painting, and much more.

Another benefit of learning from home improvement YouTube videos is that you have on-demand access to tutorials whenever and wherever you need. I watch these channels while sitting on the couch, lying in bed, in the garage, and at various points in between.

A final benefit I want to mention is that you can learn from the mistakes of people that came before you. As was mentioned in the article above, many of the creators I’ve featured are self-taught. They’ve been right where you are. They know what to do, and just as important, they’ve learned what not to do as well.

What are the disadvantages of learning on Youtube?

The biggest issue with learning on YouTube is that you need to be careful which channels you rely on to learn DIY skills. When you’re putting in a new sink, wiring a new switch, or building something, you want reliable instruction from someone that knows what they’re doing.

Each home improvement YouTube channel I’ve included on this list fits into the category of “reliable instruction.” You can rely on each of the channels I’ve described above to give you the quality instruction you need for your DIY projects.

Disclaimer: When working on DIY projects, always, ALWAYS work smart, be safe, and if you don’t know what you’re doing, ask for professional help.


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